at your


Our company operates a bunker station for supplying Danube vessels in Vienna at km 1927,8 with high quality fuel and materials

DDSG is able to perform following bunker operations:

  • The bunkering of cargo vessels is performed by our bunker station “Möll”, located at the Danube km 1927,8.
  • The bunker boats “Wientank 1” and “Wientank 2” supply passenger vessels in the Danube area from km 1920 to km 1936.

In addition to bunker activities we supply lube oil and other materials.

Bunker boats

complete service on the water
“Wientank 2”
“Wientank 1”

We supply marine fuel of the highest quality.

Bunker Services
Bunker Services  Ferrexpo Portservices GmbH

Contact us

Bunker Services

Ferrexpo Portservices GmbH, Vienna

En De

phone: +43 1 72 500 - 800

fax: +43 1 72 500 - 9800
First-DDSG Logistics Holding GmbH | BUNKER SERVICE